SELECT,p.pkID, p.mhSlug,p.cgSlug,p.cSlug, p.CommonBrandName, p.RootModelNumber, p.SKU,p.SeriesName, p.KeyFeature1, p.KeyFeature2, p.KeyFeature3, p.KeyFeature4, p.KeyFeature5,p.client_flag ,if(p.CustomDescription IS NOT NULL AND p.CustomDescription <> '', p.CustomDescription, p.ModelDescription) AS ModelDescription,if(p.thumb LIKE 'http%',p.thumb, concat('/uploads/products/',p.thumb)) AS thumb ,if(p.large LIKE 'http%',p.large, concat('/uploads/products/',p.large)) AS large , mp.PowerBuy, mp.quick_ship, bd.preferred ,IF( (mp.Sale = 0), mp.MSRP, IF( (mp.MSRP = 0), mp.Sale, IF((mp.Sale > mp.MSRP), mp.MSRP, mp.Sale))) AS SortPrice, bd.CommonBrandID, IF( (mp.Sale = 0), mp.MSRP, IF( (mp.MSRP = 0), mp.Sale, IF((mp.Sale > mp.MSRP), mp.MSRP, mp.Sale))) AS Price, IF(mp.MSRP > 0 AND mp.MSRP > mp.Sale, mp.MSRP, '') AS RegPrice , mp.quick_ship, if(bd.cart_price_message = '' OR bd.cart_price_message IS NULL,'See price in cart', cart_price_message) AS cart_message , (mp.MSRP - mp.Sale) AS Discount, if(bd.MAP = 1, 1, .90) AS MapDiscount,mp.MSRP, bd.UMRP,p.ModelStatus,p.SKU AS ProductSKU FROM tbl_store_brands AS sb INNER JOIN Brand_Data AS bd ON bd.pkID = sb.brandID+0 INNER JOIN tbl_products AS p ON sb.categoryID = p.pkCategory AND sb.brandID = p.pkBrand INNER JOIN ModelPrice AS mp ON (p.SKU = mp.SKU AND p.pkSKU = mp.pkSKU) WHERE p.mhSlug = 'dining-room-furniture' AND cgSlug = 'dining-room-furniture' AND mp.Available = 1 GROUP BY p.RootModelNumber ORDER BY display_sequence ASC, IF(quick_ship =1,quick_ship,999999) ASC, IF(PowerBuy = 1,PowerBuy, 99999) ASC, preferred ASC, CommonBrandName, SKU
Brushed Stainless Steel, Commercial quality 304 grade stainless steel, Complementing handle design, Complete sealed gasket, Flush or Proud Mount installation options
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